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Gemini: Google's Smart New Brain

Published on January 26, 2024

Imagine a smart computer that can understand not just words, but also pictures, sounds and videos. That's Gemini the new invention from Google DeepMind. On December 6 2023, Google DeepMind announced Gemini, a family of multimodal large language models (LLMs) made to revolutionize artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Before Gemini could come out, there were some problems to solve. Google had to make sure Gemini could understand things without breaking any rules, like using copyrighted stuff. Despite setbacks, Google figured it out and made it even better than before.

Gemini's impact extends beyond traditional language processing, as DeepMind explores its integration with robotics for physical interaction with the world. Additionally, Gemini's multimodal dataset, encompassing web documents, books, code, and diverse media formats to improve its potential for diverse applications across industries.

It is still learning and getting better every day. Google is making sure it's safe and follows all the rules. Gemini is like having a really smart friend who can understand everything you say and do. It shapes the future of AI-driven technologies in profound ways.

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